PRODUCTION of a newly designed logo
This design was submitted to me by a local client. The client had the art work created for a business card. Not realizing the final use of the logo was a masthead; for a publication. The logo needed to be re-created so that it could be sized from 36" to 1". The client had no information to share on the project other than they liked what they had and really did not want to change any of it. I went back to the basics, finding that the Busted name worked well in Rockwell and the Your Community watchdog looked good in Thonburi. I manipulated the art for the cuffs in several layers using photoshop until they looked right and fit perfectly into the 'd' of busted. The outlining around the Busted name created some added interest.
Garden City Goodfellows Cover
The Goodfellows Program has been a Detroit News and Free Press tradition for years. The Observer & Eccentric and Hometown Newspapers also have the same tradition the cover on the left was chosen for the 2013 Editions.
Higher Education Section Cover
The section required an updated looked. The section has an young adult and their parents for an audience. the section is all about higher education meaning, what are you going to do after High School? Advertisers are encouraged to create ads that will entice students to come and experience their facilities and see what is offered.
Spring Home and Gardens
This is a sample of where I created an entire package. The annual themed Special Section….Home and Garden.
The cover story is about a project that I had done at my home, a popular theme: A Home Entertainment Center.
I covered the basics on electronics and how I managed to create the final look for my home.
For the garden part I showed the before and after shots of my backyard patio project.
I also was the editor for this 64 page section, which required me to find all the content for this section.
The cover story is about a project that I had done at my home, a popular theme: A Home Entertainment Center.
I covered the basics on electronics and how I managed to create the final look for my home.
For the garden part I showed the before and after shots of my backyard patio project.
I also was the editor for this 64 page section, which required me to find all the content for this section.
Cover Design for Special Tabloid Publication
Fillers and Promotions for Observer and Eccentric Newspapers
Designs for myself that I have used on Facebook…
Click images to enlarge
Its just good PR to let the troops know how much you appreciate them.
Flyers for Special Events in the office...
Bridal Show Poster
The project was a concept for an event to happen in a local mall. An event planner asked me if I could create a few posters that could be used if they put on this even. The Oakland Mall is a Shopping Center in Troy Michigan. The plans for the event were unsuccessful, put then doesn't every designer have a few of these stories. But the exercise did get me to stretch my boundaries and try a few new ideas, so it was a good thing.